What to expect:

When you arrive for your date night, you will be greeted by the host

When you check in you are given your drink chip, your clipboard with your dater card, and your assigned table number

We provide everything you need pens, the names of all your dates on your daters card, and the dates

After you check in, you can go to the bar for your complimentary cocktail

Before we begin we ask that everyone is at their table and ready before the scheduled time

First I will give a brief overview and instructions 

Every ‘date’ will run for 3 minutes, which should give you a chance to determine whether there might be a spark

When the time ends, a bell will sound 

As you meet each person, you mark YES or NO if you would like to meet with that person again

You have 1 minute to mark YES or NO and move to the next date/table

The men will get up and move ~ women stay at the same table

We will have 3 raffle drawings throughout the night and 1 final one to wrap up the evening. 

At the end of the evening, everyone turns in their sheet to me

Within 48 hours, emails are sent to you with a complete report on your matches.

Even those that picked you (that you did NOT pick) sometimes referred to as "one way matches" are reported to you

After you receive your email it is up to the daters to initiate their dates


It is first come first serve. There has to be an even number for everyone to be on a date. If you were the last one to sign up for an event and there isn't an even number you can either pick a different night or get a full refund. You also have the  option to be a fill in if someone doesn't show at the last minute.  

**Photos will be taken at every event for the promotion of future events, if you are uncomfortable with this just let me know the night of & I will exclude you from all content.